Diligence is the alchemic stone which changes every metal into gold.

No one can wear the crown of success without making personal sacrifices. DILIGENCE would have to come near the head of the list. The path to success knows no short-cut.

A successful enterprise begins with a well-conceived idea, grows through wise planning, becomes strong through struggle and prospers by steady plodding. The habit of hardwork is the habit of success.

Every successful person believes in the dignity of labour. He knows that if we live by killing time, we die with it. A person who is not prepared to put his shoulder to the wheel will only see the flat side of the great wheel of life. Few have gotten to the top without hard work. While it will not always gets us to our goal, it should bring us pretty near it.

Without diligence, the seed of an idea, however brilliant, will never geminate, much less grow to maturity. An idea remains an ideal until it transformed into reality. The water of diligence nurtures the seed of an idea, makes it grow, helps it flowers and finally causes it to bear fruits.

A winner is one who gives himself to the pursuit of his goal by constant plodding and reiterated efforts. While he lengthens his strike when he discovers that he has much ground to cover, the failure looks for a place to rest. Hard work is the real foundation from which success in life proceeds.
Nobody succeeds by shirking. It easily becomes a habit as difficult to kick as the misuse of drugs. Provident nature, our great teacher, reminds us that a squirrel will never get to eat the kernel if it is not prepared to crack the nut.
Press on. Step by step, little by little, bit by bit. Nothing in the world can take the place of hard work. The reason for most failure is usually not ability but indolence. Success treads on the heels of diligence and those who love to fiddle around seldom get to lead the orchestra.
There is in every living being a powerful impulse to active functioning. Life demands, for the same reason that a hen goes on laying eggs, that labour be respected and loved. Work makes worth. Only the dying can be idle.

‘What goes around, comes around’

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